Entries by Editor

A Key to Thriving in Relationship: Tune yourself! Just Like An Instrument

You know those moments just before a symphony concert, when the audience is settling, the last rustlings of handbags and programs travel across the space, the air is sparkling with anticipation… and the musicians are tuning their instruments… That sound. A wild-yet-synchronized cacophony of violins, cellos, double bass, clarinets, flutes, trumpets and harps sliding up […]

The Art of Parenting: Learning to Live at the Edge of the Unknown

As parents — as people! — we all (I’m pretty sure all of us, yes?) wish there were a simple way, a method that is tried and true and guaranteed to get us the results we hope for… be this a fitness program, a healthy diet, a supplement protocol, a parenting handbook, a financial plan, […]

Bless You as You Step Out Into the World

Dearest ones, This week many children, teens and young adults are setting out into a new school year… kindergarten, a new grade, a new school, college, university, travel, adventure, homeschooling kitchen table… My heart and mind are with them, imagining them heading out into worlds known and unknown, into positive and challenging situations, into collectives […]

Easing into and out of

June 7, 2016 On today’s homeschooling menu we had: weeding in the garden while chatting about life insights… such as how when we react we are not trustworthy, and when we are grounded in our big, open Heart and alert Mind, we can more fully trust and lean into our emergent responses. Lovely exchanges about […]