** Home Within Guided Meditation (00:16:12):
[audio:https://integralparenting.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Week1_Practice-Session_Georgette.mp3|titles=Week1_Practice Session]Download Practice Session (right-click and Save link as)
** Love is a Choice – accompanying handout to “Home within” meditation: Bonus gift – Love is a Choice
** Finding your true priorities – a reflective worksheet: Finding your priorities
If you’d like to work with me to deepen exploration and engagement of Parenting as a Spiritual Practice, I invite you to participate in my 8-week webinar, which I offer once a year (next one starts Oct. 23, 2017) and is all about waking up for parenting and waking up through parenting. It would be lovely to share this journey with you!
For details & to register, visit me here >> http://www.integralparenting.com/
I also offer one-on-one coaching and counselling. Email me at: miriam@integralparenting.com