Ask Miriam

You have a question. It can be practical or theoretical, it can be about you, your relationship, parenting, spirituality, self-care, or anything connected with your unique life adventure.

Write your question in three sentences or less and send it my way. This will help you clarify and zone in on exactly what you want to ask. It will also help me prepare and come to your consult with ideas flowing, ready to support you and strategize.

I love brainstorming and sharing my accumulated integral life ‘toolkit’ and perspective-taking to help you along. I delight in looking at any issue from as many angles as possible and being in emergent, creative space with you. I focus on coming up with practical doable steps as well as helping you deepen your understanding of what you are facing so that you can proceed with self-compassion, confidence and renewed inspiration.

A consult can also be a helpful first step toward more in-depth therapy or coaching with me. Or it can be a tool you use once in a while, as needed.


Here are some examples of questions clients have asked me in a consult:

“My husband and I are constantly butting heads. We share a deep love for one another, but our personality types seem stubbornly incompatible. Can you tell me about personality types and how I can make more sense of our dynamics? (45-year old woman, teacher)

“When my 5-year old son wants something and does not get it right away, he gets angry and escalates to yelling very quickly. His teacher said other kids don’t want to be around him or play with him because of this. Can you please help me, I am at a loss”. (mother, professional)

I really want to make some changes in my life – health-wise, exercise, nutrition, outlook etc. – but keep putting it off, over and over again. How can I move past my inertia and get moving on my intentions? (59-year old, professional)

“I am having a really hard time not taking my youngest son’s attitude personally. I put so much time and energy into our relationship, and find myself getting hurt and then reacting.” (father of two)

“I would love to deepen my connection with my true self. Can you help me with a practice (prayer, meditation, visualization…?), something I can do to start including and making more space for this longing in my daily life?” (25-year old, student)

“I am having huge difficulties getting my 1.5 year old into the car seat. I am at my wit’s end. I don’t want to force him, but sometimes I just can’t wait till he is ready” (mother of two)

“Hello Miriam! Please, would you share your views on children & technology? On one hand, it is amazing to see my children use it positively in connections, learning, gaming etc., and on the other it is so sad to see it destroying presence, connection, relationship, with the person in front of you.” (father of three)

“I am looking for stories, tips and ideas to help my children work through their fears and other emotions. My children are 2.5 and 4.5.”(mother)


Miriam’s coaching has helped me translate my parenting ideals into conscious everyday choices, actions and responses to my child. I feel validated and supported on the ‘less-travelled’ parenting path my family and I have embraced, and I feel inspired to bring ever more authenticity and consciousness to my mothering.”

Vie, mother, Canada

Hi Miriam, Your thoughts are extremely helpful; I applied your ideas and had a heart-to-heart with my kids about why it’s important to be a ‘going to sleep team’. I feel so very grounded when I have a strategy like yours behind me to take me out of a recurring tricky situation. We are now working together, evenings have actually become a joy, I hardly recognize us (in a good way!).

N. G., Alaska

I cannot fully express in words how much of an impact it was to not only feel fully heard and held but also to resonate with your wisdom so deeply. It feels so aligned with what I am wanting in my relationship as my partner and I seek to uncouple consciously. In just one session I can now see a path forward, one in which we can both flourish and discover our own way of separating, without feeling so clouded by other peoples’ expectations. Thank you so much for this.  


For more reflections from clients and course participants, see Testimonials Page >


Contact me and we can look at setting up an appointment, either in-person or online.

Ask away! I’m ready to support you.